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Image Release


Please fill this out once your set has been accepted.

1)  Please send the high resolution images via or links to your Dropbox to email address

2)  You are welcome to send as many photos as you want for consideration in your feature, but 3-11 images will be chosen. The amount of images we choose will be dependent on the variety of looks or poses provided. The more diverse your images the more likely we will be to feature more.

3)  Image specs need to be RGB at 300 dpi and AT LEAST 3300 pixels at the longest side of 8.5"x11" portrait or 5100 pixels at the longest side of 11"x17" landscape (without visible pixilation) in jpg/jpeg  format.  Images at full resolution without cropping is preferred.

4)  We use credits you supply above.  Please TELL US if your credit list has changed from the one attached to this form  We do not double check your credits and they will not be changed in the publication.

5)  Publication specs are slightly different to the normal photo length and width ratio and if your images are not within these specs they will be cropped.
6)  Please ensure that no added text or logos are on the images, your credits will be inserted to best fit the theme and style of Gilded Magazine.

7)  Covers are decided AFTER the submission deadline once all contributors have sent us their work.
1) Gilded Magazine does not provide free copies. This publication is printed as print-per-purchase publishing.
2) Gilded Magazine does not pay for submissions.
3) Submitters must be copyright holders. You will be responsible if a claim is made against Gilded Magazine for copyright infringement. By submitting you grant permission to publish and distribute your work in any shape or form.
4) Gilded Magazine will not be held accountable for misspelled or missing credits; it is the submitters responsibly to correctly provide this information. Should you forget a credit or misspell them we will NOT change it after launch. So it is extremely important to get this information correct the first time. However if it is Gilded Magazine who have made the mistake in your credit, please notify us so that we can change it.
5) If your submission is accepted it must not be published in any other magazine, website or social media platform until after the issue with your submission has launched. Gilded Magazine reserves the right to pull your content from the magazine without your consent should it be discovered that it has been published prematurely. On the day of launch you are more than welcome to upload your images to your websites or portfolios.
6) By submitting you grant us permission to use your submission in any shape or form for any purpose related to the Gilded Magazine brand. You also allow for Gilded Magazine to color-correct or crop your images to best fit into the publication.

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